Monday, February 8, 2010

Against the Stereotypes of Black Identity in Toni Morrison’s "Jazz"

A reading in Postcolonial Perspective

This thesis entitled Against the Stereotypes of Black Identity in Toni Morrison’s Jazz, a reading in Postcolonial perspective. Meanwhile, the theory of Homi K. Bhabha which focused on the stereotype concept used by the writer. The writer is Kanti Sulistyowati. The writer tries to discuss and analyze the story of African American, which exposes the issue on stereotypes through the characters of Joe Trace and Violet Trace that attached to them.

The analysis divided into three section. The first is about stereotypes of African American that are dividing into two parts, a stereotype as a murderer and stereotype as troublemaker. The second is about the practice of stereotyping which dividing into three sections; the construction of ‘otherness’ and exclusion, stereotyping and power, and the role of fantasy. The last is about contesting the stereotypes that take a point on reversing the stereotypes and the positive and negative images.

The first point of this analysis is to spotlight the practiced of stereotype as murderer and troublemaker. A murder is directly attached to identify Joe although no one saw Joe murdered somebody. The portrait of Africa reflects the portrait of Harlem ( an African zone). It means that Harlem with its Black community is seen as Africa in the scene of unmitigated savagery, cannibalism and licentiousness in it. The Blacks who inhabit Harlem are portrayed as naturally cannibal or murderer. The stereotype as troublemaker is described by the writer as well as the other practiced of stereotype based on the construction of ‘otherness’ and exclusion, power, and the role of fantasy. It makes conceivable enough through the argument given by the writer and another supported concept by Stuart Hall.

Based on her research question, it can conclude that the writer seems to focused on the way of stereotype practiced in the real life and compared to the novel. It makes the analysis looks so simple in the context of complexity beyond the other problem in the society. Yet, we can find interesting point from this statement that, the practiced of stereotyping still exist although in the super power country like America.

Looking from the grammar that used by the writer, we as the reviewer could not find and manage the crucial grammatical error on her thesis. The writer of the thesis carefully check some grammatical mistakes but in some sentences there are mistakes related to punctuation, colon, full stop, and another particle point of the grammar.

As a whole, the analysis is a repeating the same matter that actually useless to focus on the way stereotyping contested in the novel. From the beginning until the end of the analysis, the writer shows the same reason that mixed with expert opinion as the basic supported concept. Another interesting point in this thesis is the opinion given by the writer seems believable based on the data and the theory of some expert. However, it dominantly states by the expert only and the writer adding it as she states by her self.

The method which used by the writer is qualitative research, but in the analysis the writer only looks in the perspective of simple argument that related to the concept of stereotype not the application of power ruled by the whites. The character who is considered as the ‘other’ is excluded from people around him or her and is exposed in negative sense of binary form. While the character who is often required to be both in negative and positive sense of binary form, means that there is ambivalence. In our opinion, the writer missed this concept in her analysis. Overall, this thesis inspired us to analyze the problem in the eyes of our sensitivity not in the eyes of another perspective. But as the entity, the theory itself can supported our opinion to make our analysis get focus to the matter we are configure as a framework.


The Ecstasy of Rita Joe is a lyric documentary about a young Indian girl who comes to the city only to die on Skid Row, a victim of the white man’s violence and paternalism. The Ecstasy of Rita Joe describes the extreme brutality of life in the city, as experienced by a young native woman. It is a deliberate reminder that native Canadians enjoy much less than full participation in their vaunted social, educational, and justice systems.

How Rita Joe faces the problem in a desolate world of prostitution and drug addiction in the hope of finding a better life in the city relate to the historical aspect of the work's timing; this was one of the first works about Native Canadians mounted on a stage and taken seriously.

The background of Rita Joe who ever stayed in reservation has a big impact to her psychological development. The course of mental processes is automatically regulated by the "pleasure-pain principle"; and pain is thus is some way related to an increase of excitation and pleasure to a decrease. In the course of development the original pleasure principle undergoes a modification with reference to the external world, giving place to the "reality-principle," whereby the mental apparatus learns to postpone the pleasure of satisfaction and to tolerate temporarily feelings of pain.

According to the most recent psychoanalytic views, the mental apparatus is composed of an "id," which is the reservoir of the instinctive impulses, of an "ego," which is the most superficial portion of the id and one which is modified by the influence of the external world, and of a "super-ego," which develops out of the id, dominates the ego and represents the inhibitions of instinct characteristic of man (Ernest Jones, Papers on Psycho-Analysis (1923)). It is a basic of paternalism culture which treats and placed woman as the subject of sexual pleasure.

Rita Joe with little schooling and poor English, she cannot support herself and becomes entrapped in prostitution. Being entrapped in prostitution made her desolate and of course it disturbs her psychological condition. In the circumstance of asking for fair law, the violence of white culture is to blame, to be sure, but so is the patriarchy of Native culture. Over expectation leads her ambition of being a success in the city turns into desolate and guilty feeling.

Someone who has a bad experience in the past give a strong influence in his or her emotional condition, and it probably appears in the future when something happen and closely relate to the memories of that bad experience. Rita Joe with her bad experience in desolate world of prostitution and drug addiction, made her psychological condition dropped. It often appears and disturbs her in the circumstance of asking for the fair law in a court of justice.

Several attitudes or actions related to Rita Joe’s life in George Ryga’s The Ecstasy of Rita Joe might appear as the effects of white man’s violence and paternalism. In some cases it can create generosity or hope to a better life. But in the novel it can caused Rita Joe to feel deep anxiety and depression. It leads her to the world of prostitution and drug addiction as a way for a better life. “Loss is the phenomenal state we experience when these types of events occur; it is the disquiet that, over time, becomes the source not only of anxiety and depression but also of hope and generosity” (Harvey, 2).

Furthermore, Harvey argues that loss is the fundamental human experience that underlies many emotions, both negative and positive. Rita Joe’s attitudes in The Ecstasy of Rita Joe show us that she gives negative emotions toward the feeling of being a victim of white man’s violence and paternalism. All her attitudes in the previous section which is caused by white man’s violence and paternalism show that she suffers from psychological disorder, that is anxiety and those are some of his ways in reducing her psychological problems.

Rita Joe was a landmark in more ways than one. It was - and remains - a play for all seasons and for all peoples. It created controversy about the co-opting of minority voices, by a majority culture in Canada. Rita Joe helps the readers to listen with their hearts – and when hearts are open, ears can hear.

Sets of Electronic Equipment as Social Status Symbol in the Perspective of Psychoanalysis and Capitalism (2)

The combination of carnal and libidinal will form the desire, because the manifestations of these two factors represent the carnal and libidinal factor too. For instance, the desire to possess the brand new sophisticated mobile phone (carnal) made someone feel confident and feel sense of pride in front of the public (libidinal), the desire to possess the latest sophisticated notebook (carnal) made someone feel pride when they walk with this portable computer in their hands (libidinal), etc.

There are two kinds of consumer in the capitalist society; the first is consumer who buys and uses the product by considering its function or utilities as the main consideration, they consume the product only the function aspect of the product and the second is consumer who buys and uses the product with its value, they consume the product not only the function but the prestige of the product as the main consideration to up date the trend.

The kinds of the second consumer which make the product-sets of electronic equipment-change its value become sets of social status symbol. We can see this phenomenon how the teenager show their identity through the latest i-pod or CD player with a large memory capacity, Rolex watch, popular America trade mark, the brand new mobile phone with a lot of feature that actually superfluous for them, or a family shows their identity through the sophisticated home theater, DVD, etc.

These sets of electronic equipment (commodity) actually insert with social status code by its exclusiveness. But in Asia, especially in Indonesia the people can shows their identity through the product although the product is piracy. The manufacturer in Indonesia even produce the product which identically almost the same with the original ones. Ironically, they feel pride with the product as long as they can imitate the western style, because it’s a part of social status symbol and the lack of desire fulfilled. They will feel more confident with the product which consider as social status symbol no matter it’s the original ones or it’s just the imitation product.

The sophisticated electronic equipment such as mobile phone, disc man, Rolex watch, or the brand new audio visual product, etc has a form of individualism treats. Every new product that launched in the market seems cut off the existence of the old product before. The product stimulates the consumer; even teach them to be trendier because it’s the way to socialize nowadays.

Design not always means the process of produce the product by the industries but it turns to the producing of culture. In this globalization era, the function of electronic equipment which relates to the communication tools becomes important. Every new invention in the term of technology field, especially electronic equipment, for the first launching to public inclined to be the high class people possession. It happened because the cost of the research very expensive that means the product is very expensive too, it can not achieved by the ordinary people or lower class people.

Designer often create cooperation with shareholder and the manufacturer to insert the idiom or high class social code through the product to strengthen the exclusiveness image. A new code that will creates a new life style in the society.

Capitalism uses the fast exchange way to keep the existence of the product. The product comes and disappeared as fast as possible to be exchange in the market. Capitalism even forces a person to get bored with something which is call old style when they launch the new ones. The progress spirit of modernism turns to the spirit of desire to be up date. In this case we could see that for the first time, high tech needs a high cost so the product is for the high class people only.

Sets of Electronic Equipment as Social Status Symbol in the Perspective of Psychoanalysis and Capitalism (1)

A product which is using a sophisticated technology has a linked correlation with the level of its user. The more sophisticated the product, the higher the social status of the user. The user of that product usually claimed as a high class people or people with high social status. In the term of marketing motif, the sophisticated product itself can not be separated from its relation to the product design’s purpose, which has two main functions; the first is following the taste of consumer and the second is building the taste of consumer. The manufacturer often exploits this kind of product design to stimulate the consumer become more consumptive that leads to the exploding demand. The manufacturer inserts through the product such kind of “individualism treats” such as the prestige or exclusiveness of the product to raise the sense of pride.

This phenomenon is a form of fascism. Ironically, what happen in Indonesia are the style and the taste of the consumer build by the local producer whom they are dictate by product planner or trend analyst from western. This dictation even goes through the social and culture aspects which produce the globalization of western pop culture. The impact is the teenager often acts or imitates the western culture because it gives them a sense of confident and pride.

The sense of pride and confident actually comes from the desire itself. The desire builds by two forms of major stimulation that made people need something through their desire. The forms of major stimulation are carnal and libidinal. Carnal is the desire of body to something which concerned with material form, such as food, partner, etc. The establishment of carnal depends on the base form of the carnal object itself which relate to the need of the body. For instance, someone who is accustomed to simple or plain food, the carnal to the food may not raise to the extravagant level. But the times they try the higher tasty food than before, the carnal automatically will upgrade to adjust. Libidinal is the desire of body to something which concerned with immaterial, such as image, skill, etc. The establishment of libidinal depends on the self interest through the ego. Imagination has a significant role to build libidinal because it relates to immaterial factor and the establishment of libidinal influenced by imagination’s present as the appreciator.

Indonesian Dream (second part) "A Losing Identity as a Result the Indonesian Dream which is Reflected on the Audience of Indonesian Movies and Cinemas

The Indonesian Dream also supported well by the news on the mass or the electronic media. Those infotainments bring us the news and also the issues from the entertainment world, and sometimes it is not an important thing. How can the actors get acne then it can be hottest issues in all media, or when the actors get a broke in their relation which is caused by a smoking habit it can be the hottest issues. And the worst is about their family life when it should be exposed on the media, such like a divorce between. It can make such kind of an easy learning for the audience that might have a problem in their family; they can make relationship his case with the actor’s case. And for the actors sometimes they are imitate the other actors from abroad and even claimed their selves as the actor who had they imitated. And for the example above there is an Indonesians actress who claimed her self as Britney Spears or Avrile Lavigne from Indonesia, and for that it might good for her existence in entertainment but in other side it seems that she can find a different from her self that might be a good reason for her existence. She trapped on the Britney or Avrile masked. It is same with the other imitators who are trying to imitate their favourites; they are live behind on their favourite shadows that they can not pass it.

Based on that analysis above the writer can make a conclusion which is the Indonesian Dream it self created as a result from the audience of entertainment it self, because of the entertainment world created and followed the audiences demand. The movie, the cinema, and even the news from the infotainment it self based on the audiences demand, they just followed the condition on their audience. By using Psychoanalysis approach the writer can know the situation and also the condition the audience who is enjoyed with the situation in their Indonesian Dream, they are try to imitate then do and act in their real life. Even they are never care about the lack of identity that can lead them to the losing identity. They can feel a convenience and an enjoyment with their new identity although they are life behind the mask and shadow of their favourite. And for that reason they are seemed try to ignore all about their selves, their norm which is sometimes their new life more closed to the west.

From the learning above we are as the audience should have a brief and clear thinking upon our mind toward the entertainment which is offered to us a different thing related their importance. As a wise audience we should choose the right and the better ones that might useful and can supported our life. As a human being who need a time for relaxed, we can not to ignore the entertainment world from our daily life. But we are also pushed to decide our decisions toward our selves. We can not act so naïve and then obey the entertainment world because of we are also be apart for the entertainment existence. It is related from our selves being Indonesian Dream supported which is have a lose of identity or be the wise man who is can conclude and choose the better ones from an entertainment that offered to us as the audiences.

Indonesian Dream (first part) "A Losing Identity as a Result the Indonesian Dream which is Reflected on the Audience of Indonesian Movies and Cinemas"

As a result for the development in this world, now we have to face a problem which called an Indonesian Dream and it is represented on the losing identity for the entertainment audience. This Indonesian Dream as a reflection from the American Dream, both have the same in the point of view but the Indonesian Dream as the writer called for the situation in the entertainment world in Indonesia is a situation which offered and showed a simple and easy to get, and for Indonesian Dream it self it seems not reflected what we are in a real condition. Everything showed in the luxurious ways, then it far away from the Indonesian culture even mostly get closed to the western sides. It might as result a new era which called a globalization.
For this Indonesian Dream effect can reflect on the entertainment audience and mostly the actors. The issues from the entertainment can be headlines in mass and electronic media, their relationship issues, their family issues, their house, their style, and even when they have acne in their face it can be the new. It might just such kind of entertain news from the entertainment world. We need that kind of new for our relaxing time, but when we should face a condition that we were be an imitator for their life style and everything related on them or the entertainment sides it could be a dangerous side for us. We are like to push our self in that situation, we created a new world which is same with them, it doesn’t matter if we can to manage it, and we are capable to handle it. In this term, it means our physical and material able to afford it all as we imitate them. But if they can not afford it, it seems they are like a doll in a clumsy face with a pathetic behaviour because of their willing to be like them. They just only dreamed of being Tamara, Anjasmara or anyone else.
For the imitators it selves they are trapped on the condition which is the writer called “Losing Identity”, they are can not reflected who are they in real condition, they are become a new Tamara or Anjasmara. They painted their hair, changed their style, and for the worst they are forget the entire norm. We can not make a judgement that it is because the entertainment world it self, but we are should take a deep reflection on our self can we be a wise audience? It is true if our cinemas and movies mostly take a luxurious ways in their story, they decorated the entire situation in the luxurious by living in a great house with a smooth car and all the facilities are the high class. Does it represent the true living in Indonesia? That is not real for our condition, even the writer have no surprisingly when the foreigner ask about the real situation in Senior High School on Ada Apa Dengan Cinta movies which is represent on such luxurious ways, almost the students bring their own cars. This imitate habits can lead us to the consumerism habit.
For being cool, calm, confident the imitators should change their look and also their style just like in God Father movie. For being stylish, funky, gaul they should decorated their style in punk or surfer style by wearing a billabong, quick silver t-shirt and make their hair in Mohawk style with any piercing on their body. Wearing tank top, tight t-shirt then shows their back (hip back custom) and even their underwear. All above is a usual thing in this day, it seemed they are more confident with that style, showing their branded, showing they have a tattoo in their body, showing if they are come from the high class just look more convenient for them. It is a result for the Indonesian Dream that might far away from the Indonesian culture.
The Indonesian Dream created a new looking of cinemas and movies style in Indonesia entertainment more luxurious. And even mostly they brought a plot for the story take on the high class, have a story about love, family problem which is have settled on high classes. For the movie maker it is can happen because it is more generally and it be accept easily by the audience, but they didn’t take any granted of the impact for that movie or cinema. This impact can be seemed on the audience, they are try to imitate even they are try hardly to push their selves in the same situation on that movie or cinema. This situation getting worst if the adult or teenager get infected by this Indonesian Dream then try to imitate on their life. How they can know about a French Kiss then try to imitate it in a real world they have. It might happen if they are watch Buruan Cium Gue movie, they can created a new rule in their relation with their couple. A kiss not a taboo for them, it could be a tradition in their relations.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

How To Build A Revenue Sharing Website Traffic Exchange

How To Build A Revenue Sharing Website Traffic Exchange

Author: Howard C. Stone

Creating a Revenue Sharing Website Traffic Exchange A good revenue sharing plan is the key to success with a website traffic exchange. Putting up the site itself is not good enough, although you may have seen the same thing done over various sites. You need to develop a plan that will work effectively for whatever it is you are attempting to do. In this case, that is to take funds from your members, reinvest them and make a profit large enough that you can take a cut and still provide a reasonable revenue share with them. Developing your Revenue Sharing Model When improving your website traffic, first thing you must do is pay particular attention to the main issues. There are a variety of them off the bat. Which server will you use? Second, when exchanging, what platform will you use? Third, how will you generate revenue and talk people into becoming members? Those are the top questions you need answered for you to make a site like this a success. The next thing you have to consider is creating a list of the small tasks you will need to do on a monthly basis. Like many website traffic exchange sites, you’ll find that most of the work will be done during the first month. Keep in mind that enticing members, having them invest in your work and developing a revenue generating site may take time and effort. The next steps prior to this would then be easier. The second month would require you to monitor your development and see if the members are satisfied with the site. You’ll be checking up on the revenue sharing source as well as making payments and transfers between accounts. Reason why Website Traffic Exchange Works The simple reason why an exchange model works is that many people are interested in the venture. Some individuals may only want to swap the traffic. And for these individuals, the only key is to ensure there are enough members on your site – something you will need to work for at first, but that will develop on its own later. For others, the promise of potential revenue sharing is far more important than any traffic they might get from your site. The percentage they get that could be anywhere from 5 to 10 percent is enough reason for them to come back. And thus, that is why you could successfully create your own website traffic exchange, the possibility of easy profit. The key, of course, is to ensure that anyone who joins your site actually gets what you promise. If you cannot maintain an effective program, then it’s likely that they will move on to better sites. That is all the more reason to plan your revenue sharing model carefully and be sure it is implemented effectively.

About the AuthorWant some more guides on how to get successful website traffic exchange? Traffic Exchange Blueprint is offering an ebook that teaches how someone can learn and create their own traffic exchange system with revenue sharing and make money every single month.

Internet Marketing Tips - Break Into Online Business Now

Internet Marketing Tips - Break Into Online Business Now

Author: John Hawke

Internet marketing tips are all over the place. One bit of advice to take however is to build your own blog. Blog stands for web log. It is one way you can promote your own website, your online products, or affiliate products. The advantage is that you can have your own professional looking presence on the internet without having to buy web hosting space and you do not have to build your own website.
There is several free blogging software on the internet. These are professional blog creating services that will give your blog a real professional look and they are free. You cannot beat the price. It is easy to set up a blog. Simply follow the steps when you sign up on the free blog provider you choose to use.
Then choose a market you want to write or blog about. Let us say you like scuba diving. In fact it is your passion. You create a blog and write about scuba diving. Your write about trips you have taken, equipment you have used, safety tips.
You need to have an affiliate link that identifies you as the affiliate marketer who sent them. This is easily gotten from the company you are promoting. You then build a blog and start talking about the market and the products you are promoting. You can promote scuba diving products as an affiliate. You write in your blog about safety issues, best place to scuba dive, and even your own scuba diving trips.
Then talk up the products you are promoting. Then invite your readers to go to that website via your affiliate link. When they buy you earn a commission. You can even do a product review of the products you are promoting as an affiliate. People will trust your opinion and in your recommendation you include your affiliate link so people can buy the product.
You can make money as an affiliate in this way and you did not have to build your own website and you did not have to pay for hosting space. It is all free. You cannot beat price. Another advantage of a blog is that search engines like them a lot. This is because they are updated usually on a daily basis. Search engines like new and relevant content on sites that relate to the key word phrase.
One reason to do this is because blogs are favored by the search engines. The search engines like Google look for site with content related to the search term that is updated with new and fresh content on a regular basis. So your blog will be ranked higher than your website in some cases because it has fresh content.
The best tip for internet marketing is however to get started. You can watch tutorials and read online articles about marketing. But if you have yet to do anything practical you are delaying your first dollar from coming in. So get started today. There are many people making a good income online. They realized that the only way to get started was to do it today not tomorrow.

About the AuthorJohn Hawke is a successful internet entrepreneur who enjoys sharing his passion for earning an income online. He's written dozens of articles on internet marketing tips. Browse these and thousands of other successful internet business ideas now!

Solutions for the right web hosting

Solutions for the right web hosting

Author: Dian Rose

If you are searching for the best and effective hosting solution that fits your need then we can help you to choose the most efficient Web Hosting providers for you. You can find Web Directory and Reviews as well as affordable Solutions and Tools from all over the World at hostingreviewsworld. It is simply stunning how big the web hosting review market has become with so much competition out there. You will find thousands of websites out there with information about web hosting reviews. The increase in positive web hosting reviews has been very obvious for all to see. Exactly the thing you will find from all positive web hosting reviews is that the website you are reading the review from is affiliated with the website that is being reviewed. This is not to say that websites that do not give off completely positive reviews are not affiliate websites; but it is more to say that websites that give off completely positive reviews are most definitely affiliate websites. Even the worst web hosting in the world can be made to look fantastic in terms of the web hosting reviews if they only discuss the positive aspects of that website; so this begs the question as to whether or not positive web hosting reviews are useful. Well, they are useful according to most experts. The most important thing is to take a closer look at them. What you will see with most promotional reviews is that they go well out of their way in order to make sure that you know about every positive aspect of the web hosting package, so in a way they are giving you everything you need to know about half of the picture. If you can find another half that discusses the negative sides of the product you are considering, then you might actually be able to use the two together as an impartial resource, since the partialities of both sources will cancel each other out. If you decide to use the positive review by itself, just keep in mind that there are potential negative aspects that you might need to investigate further and you can still use it as a good resource. Hosting review sites help you to review personal, business, budget, VPS and lots of hosting providers list in one place. And for that it’s a great opportunity for you without wondering around sites looking for hosting providers and not only that you can easily compare the prices and their features without much efforts. And that is the main advantages of a hosting review site. Just it is your duty to find the best and reliable review site not a bias one and providing true pictures of a hosting provider and their services. And that is the features we offer from hostingreviewsworld. With our help you will find the hottest web hosting service providers list with best ratting around the world.

About the AuthorHostingreviewsworld is a site entirely devoted to help you choose the right hosting service among the best providers. You will also find Web Hosting Directory and Reviews as well as Solutions and Tools Worldwide in an affordable rate. So feel free to visit for the best hosting reviews and solutions at...

A Few Mistakes To Avoid When Doing Seo For Your Website

A Few Mistakes To Avoid When Doing Seo For Your Website

Author: Matt Kline

Consistency is the most important concept to learn for search engine optimization (SEO). It is just not possible to achieve high rankings overnight for a brand new website. There is no getting around the time factor. Unless of course the niche your website is in is very uncompetitive. For the most part, there are not many niches anymore like this, so you will need to compete for your search engine rankings.
Listed below are a few SEO mistakes you will want to avoid for the fastest success.
#1. Inconsistent effort.
If you are going to be lax in your efforts of SEO, your results will be less than desirable. Like I said before, competition plays a part in this, but from now on I will assume your site will be in a competitive niche. It can be hard to keep going when you are not seeing results immediately. None of the websites sitting at the top of the search results magically appeared there. They all had some sort of ongoing SEO work being done.
If you are adding content to your website on a consistent basis, you are heading in the right direction. The search engines love fresh new content. This is why blogs are so loved by search engines. Adding a blog to your website is never a bad idea.
Websites also need a steady supply of links pointing to them. This is how a search engine sees how popular a website is. If another website links to you, it is almost as if they are casting a vote for your site. There are entire books and websites dedicated to how to get links to point to your site. This is one of the biggest ranking factors for your website. You would do well to learn how to get many links to your website.
#2. Not using different SEO strategy.
Changing up the ways you get links to your website is an important part of proper SEO. There are many different ways to get links pointing to you. Submitting your website to different directories, writing and submitting articles to article directories, Submitting your RSS feeds to RSS directories, participating in forums, and the list goes on and on.
The point here is that it's not a good idea to only use articles and that's it. You need to mix things up. Not only mix it up, but do all of those things on a consistent basis. It doesn't need to be fast, just consistent.
#3. Using the wrong keywords.
Don't go after keywords that don't pertain to your niche. If you are selling weight loss products, don't go after keywords geared for exercise apparel. It might be somewhat related to your niche, but you will be getting untargeted traffic to your site. Un-targeted traffic does not buy products they weren't looking for.
Worse yet, is going after keywords that nobody searches for. Sure, you might wind up on page 1 of google, but you still won't get any traffic since nobody is searching for those keywords. It's real easy to rank well for "free garbage", but who is looking for that?
All of these tips above could have volumes of books written about them, but getting them right will make all the difference for your website rankings. The number one thing in my opinion, is consistency. Wether your adding content or building links, it just takes time. If you keep at it, you will reap the rewards.

About the AuthorVisit for many more articles and tips about SEO.

Experience Your Site From The Eyes Of A Spider

Experience Your Site From The Eyes Of A Spider

Author: Aana Jones

Experience Your Site From the Eyes of a Spider
Making efforts to optimize site is good but it is considered best only when it gives fruitful results. It is not possible to get top rankings soon but you can make efforts. In order to check the performance of your site you can make use of Search engine Simulators.
Spiders Explained
In order to calculate the performance of your site, search engine spiders first crawl the page of your website and index them. then they make use of various algorithms in order to determine how relevant are they and to give page rankings. So in order to get good rankings you must know what spiders are looking for in your website.
Spiders are also known as Robots. They don't read the whole content of your website but only search for particular things. Since spiders determine if humans will find your site, it is worth to consider what spiders like and what don't.
Flash, JavaScript, Image Text or Frames?!
Flash, JavaScript, Image Text or Frames all these are not visible to search spiders. Especially frames. they are very harmful for search rankings. If you are making use of flash pages that are full of keywords then it will not help you in any ways. If you will see this page using Search engine simulator you will find this page as blank.
As Javascript is not SEO favorite similarly these things are not liked by spiders instead they prefer text files. In stead you can make use of alt attribute of tag for images. There you can describe the picture and can use your keywords. But don't stuff the keywords.
Are Your Hyperlinks Spiderable?
The search engine spider simulator can be of great help when trying to figure out if the hyperlinks lead to the right place. For instance, link exchange websites often put fake links to your site with _JavaScript (using mouse over events and stuff to make the link look genuine) but actually this is not a link that search engines will see and follow. Since the spider simulator would not display such links, you'll know that something with the link is wrong.
In order to avoid this you should make use of tag. This is because javascript based menus are not spidered.

Article Source:

About the AuthorI am Aana Jones. I am working as an SEO expert in OOmsystem..OOMsystem is a SEO Company which helps you to know SEO. It helps you to get traffic to your website and thus market your website. Author is related to Affordable SEO Service provider company which helps you to Market your site. Author frequently write articles on SEO Services and benefits of Search engine optimization success.

Quality Content is a King

Quality Content is a King

Content is king for your site, yes it is true then you should not underestimated about the importance of content it self for your site. Content is stuff on your site that gives lot information for people to see, read, and use it. Your content is a huge treasure for your site if you interested in search engine optimization, you should concentrate on your content. By your content you can get higher ranks. What I call content in this case is more concerned about text; word that search engine can read. And then how about other content on your site just like sound, picture or video? If you are interesting about SEO then you must limit this content, it because of this content sometime make your site more heavy for being load by your visitors or because you sometimes forget how to make this content easy for being crawled by the engine search spiders. But if you can make it better so it is not a big trouble for you.

Creating compelling and useful content will likely another influence your website more than any of the other factors on SEO project, your visitors already know good content when they see it and will likely want to direct other users to it. This could be through blog posts, social media services, email, forums, or other means. For this content you might like these;

Just write an easy to read text, by this your visitors can enjoy your content that is well written and easy to follow. Make your content for staying on organized around the topic that you take, your visitors absolutely have a sense of where one content topic begins and another ends. Breaking your content up into logical divisions that will helps your visitors find the content they want faster. Your content should have a relevant language; think about the words that a user might search for to find a piece of your content. Users who know a lot about the topic might use different keywords in their search queries than someone who is new to the topic. It seems not so easy but you should try it by your self.

Don't embedding text in images for textual content because of sometimes your visitors may want to copy and paste the text and search engines can't read it.

Create fresh, unique content, by your new and unique content it will not only keep your existing visitor base coming back, but also bring in new visitors. For that case you should think about how to offer the exclusive content or services for your visitors, by creating a new, useful service that no other site offers are absolutely can make your site more useful.

Stay focus on your content that is primarily for your visitors not search engine, so you should make your site well known to your visitors need while making sure your site is easily accessible to search engines. But don't ever to make a rehashing or even copying existing content that will bring your visitors get bored. You should not have duplicate or near-duplicate versions of your content across your site.

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